Several weeks after the Russian invasion of 乌克兰 in February 2022, 安娜Sankina was driving to safety in 罗马尼亚 with her husband and two children, 当时是8岁和10岁. Suddenly, the family saw Russian military helicopters appear on the horizon.
“We were praying they would go in a different direction and not come toward us, 因为他们肯定会向我们开枪,Sankina说。, 总部设在基辅, 乌克兰, 谁负责CHS欧洲的政府事务. “太可怕了.”
That experience was only one stressful moment Sankina and other CHS employees in 乌克兰 have faced since the invasion, 她说.
在为可能的入侵做了数周的准备之后, CHS在混乱中立即采取了行动, violence and uncertainty that followed the first Russian attack. For employees and family members who wished to leave (men ages 18 to 60 were required to stay in the country), 有信誉的网投平台十大包租了一辆公共汽车去布加勒斯特附近的一个小镇, 罗马尼亚, 安排酒店房间, 接触儿童心理学家, 法律援助, 牙科、医疗和其他服务.
Sankina and her family decided not to join her CHS colleagues in 罗马尼亚 right away. Instead, worried about her parents, the family stayed with them in a town about 40 miles from Kyiv. Though it was comforting to be together, the situation was uncertain.
“We were afraid because we didn’t know which way the Russians would be coming,” 她说. “当时存在食品和燃料短缺的风险, as well as concern about internet and electricity as Russia threatened to shell our infrastructure.”
2022年5月, 乌克兰-based CHS employees and family members gathered in their hotel in Buzău, 罗马尼亚, 首席执行官杰伊·德贝丁, 约翰·格里菲斯和该地区其他CHS领导人. (Some employees, including Sankina, initially chose to stay with family rather than in the hotel.)
最终,他们决定离开. Sankina and her children moved into the temporary housing provided by CHS, while her husband stayed in a town near 乌克兰’s western border because it was too dangerous to return to Kyiv.
Wanting to find an environment where she could best focus on her job, she and her children then moved to Poland and later to Germany, where they stayed for two months with a stranger who opened her guest house to Sankina – and even cared for her children when she needed to travel for work.
这种不稳定对她的孩子们来说很艰难. “战争让他们变老了——老得多,”她说. “我告诉他们,‘只有我一个人. 你爸爸不在我们身边. 你得规矩点,你得成熟点.’”他们很快理解了新常态, 她说, 在当地学校交朋友,参加活动.
当然,这对桑基娜来说也很艰难. “你就像个机器人. You wake up, you make yourself look professional, you don’t think or cry or remember,” 她说. “你只是活了下来。.”
In June 2022, after the Ukrainian military had secured Kyiv, the family moved back to their home. 现在, 一年多以后, Sankina说 there’s a semblance of normal life in the city: coffee shops, 餐厅, 电影院和其他商店也照常营业, 人们经历着他们前世的生活.
But it’s hard to live a normal life when air raid sirens wail almost every night, 爆炸声把你吵醒, 朋友和亲戚被杀或生活在不断的危险之中, 新闻中充斥着澳门网投十大信誉平台俄罗斯暴行的报道. The employees in the CHS Kyiv office have continued working from various locations throughout the war, but the way they do their jobs has changed – both because it’s harder to move grain in war conditions and because of the personal stress they live with every day.
例如, Sankina说, HR occasionally sends an email telling Kyiv-based employees to work from home because Russian bombing makes it too dangerous to travel to the office. And the farmers they work with are facing unimaginable challenges, 包括他们田地里的地雷和, 在某些情况下, 整个农场被炸弹摧毁.
“我可以自豪地说,我们是英雄之地,”她说. “我们正在挣扎,但我们正在努力保持车轮转动.”
俄国入侵后不久, 黑海港口, 哪些是乌克兰的主要出口动脉, 被关闭. Local government and businesses had to quickly redirect grain flows through 乌克兰’s western borders, 哪里可以用铁路运输粮食, 驳船和卡车.
CHS has been using cross-border points with 罗马尼亚 to send grain to that country’s Constanta port. 该有信誉的网投平台十大还使用了卡车, hoppers and barges in Danube River ports to move the grain produced by local farmers. “CHS continues to feed the world with Ukrainian grain despite numerous issues caused by the uncertainties of the war,桑基娜说。.
Sankina (fourth from right) attends an industry meeting with 乌克兰 Railways.长期的力量
CHS在乌克兰的员工是采购员, 发起者, 合同执行人员, 合规, 人力澳门网投十大信誉平台和IT的一部分 欧洲、中东和非洲(EMEA)团队. 区域总部设在日内瓦,办事处设在保加利亚, 匈牙利, 意大利, 罗马尼亚, 塞尔维亚, 西班牙和乌克兰, EMEA团队负责谷物的采购和销售, 黑海地区的油籽和肥料, 地中海盆地和中东.
Sankina’s role is to support the business-to-government team and make sure the supply chains run as smoothly as possible under difficult conditions.
She says the Kyiv team appreciates the support of CHS colleagues from around the world. 2022年5月, 数百名员工贡献了87美元,611 to help colleagues in 乌克兰 with personal and family expenses caused by war and displacement.
What she most wants the wider world to know is that Ukrainians are strong and resilient.
“What keeps us going is that we manage to turn fear and pain into productive energy so we can focus on the main thing – our victory,桑基娜说。. “每个人都在竭尽全力支持胜利. 我们永远不会累.”